Anti-Wrinkle Treatments
Wrinkles are a natural part of the ageing process and with age, the skin's levels of elastin reduces along with a reduction in it's ability to protect itself. This is why lines, creases and wrinkles appear on the skin over time. Anti-Wrinkle treatments are used to reduce and prevent wrinkle formation.
What can Anti-Wrinkle treatments be used for?
Anti-Wrinkle treatments can be used for frown lines, forehead lines and crows feet. Our Advanced Anti-Wrinkle treatments can be used for bunny lines, gummy smile, lip flip, downturned smile, grinding, facial slimming, Nefertiti neck lift, dimpled chin, brow lift and smoker's lines.
How does it work?
Dynamic lines develop where muscles are over working. During an Anti-Wrinkle treatments, toxin is injected to relax those muscles and, in turn, soften the lines. Static lines can also be improved with toxin but also require re-surfacing techniques such as laser or medical grade skin peels.
The injectable used in our treatments temporarily cause facial muscles to relax by stopping the signal between the nerve and muscle. This in turn causes minimised muscle movement and less stress on the skin, thus softening the appearance of lines and wrinkles.
Benefits of Anti-Wrinkle Treatments
Prevents wrinkles - these treatments are not just for those that would like to lessen the appearance of wrinkles, but those who would like to prevent their appearance in the future.
· Softens existing wrinkles - treatments improve and temporarily remove existing wrinkles, softening any expression lines, leaving you with smoother looking skin.
· Improved symmetry - these treatments can also be used to balance the features and shape of the face by lifting certain areas.